Macatawa is one of a small but growing number of anesthesia practices in the state of Michigan to participate in The Anesthesiology Performance Improvement and Reporting Exchange (ASPIRE).
It is a quality improvement initiative based at the University of Michigan partially funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and based upon the data infrastructure of the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG,
ASPIRE uses EHR and administrative data to analyze the interplay between patient comorbidities, surgical procedure, intraoperative anesthesiology technique and interventions, and postoperative outcomes.
By combining this data with a culture of collaboration, ASPIRE creates an environment of performance improvement using priorities and measures driven by its members.
With more than 4.7 million anesthetics, ASPIRE represents one of the most detailed and comprehensive international anesthesiology datasets.